How about a SINGLE exposure? (Decisive Moment)
How about selective DOF?
How about lower distortion?
How about camera movements?
How about accurate composition on the ground glass.
How about a true Plane of focus at ANY distance?
There's probably a whole lot more too....

Those reasons above are huge and make the stitching
technique seriously limited compared to normal LF photography.
I think the DSLR solution is a better digital camera
with a bigger and higher resolution sensor,  not
stitching. But even then you arent going to get
the movements with all your lenses like you do with

-----Original Message-----
From: Herb Chong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: Large Format vs. Digital/Stitching

Larry is selling all his large format equipment because stitching is
better for him than LF. if you want to define the small area where a 4x5
camera is still superior as the only thing that matters to you, go right
ahead. the examples shown and discussed are none of those.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:59 PM
Subject: RE: Large Format vs. Digital/Stitching

> NO , I do understand. Of course you can do SOME
> things this way but to say it is a suitable
> replacement for LF in general is really absurd.

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