----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Todd"
Subject: Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

I'm not sure that's the case, but what if it is? So what if they're posted
to make people aware of situations that exist in the world outside of
flowers and landscapes, and apart from digital shmigital cell phone
cameras? That is one of the purposes of photography, is it not, to
document and report on the world in which we live and to present ideas in
the form of images to provoke thought and discussion.?

In our world, the sun is always over our right shoulder, and there are nice fluffy clouds, dancing and playing at making interesting shapes.
The girls are always wholesome and beautiful, the boys are manly and heroic.
In our world, Dodge trucks are driven by girly men, but I digress.
In our world, the colours are a bit more vibrant, the sky is always a deep azure, and bees fly gaily from flower to flower, pausing breifly at each one so that we may photograph them.
In our world, sheep do not fear the darkness, and the sound of bagpipes rings across the land to greet the morn.

And we want to keep it this way.

William Robb

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