Thanks for that Larry.
I'm staying out of this because I'm a reseller of software.
People other than the big corps. stand to lose to pirates.
I think folks forget about us little guys trying to make
a living whe they make moral judgments about piracy.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Levy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 9:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Photoshop CS Bargain Basement
> Can we just call it what it is - stealing. If I make something I
> am entitled
> to charge whatever I want. You, on the other hand, are entitled
> not to buy
> it. It is not a function of what time and money went into the creation of
> the object. It is a function of what I want to charge for it.
> If Fred Pollack spent thousands of dollars and weeks creating a miniature
> painting and decides he wants $500 for it, that's fine. The
> marketplace will
> decide whether it's over-priced. If his cousin Jackson spends
> 1/10 the time
> and money and yet wants 100 times that for his effort, the
> marketplace again
> will decide. Fred may not sell his work, while Jackson might sell all he
> cares to create. There is no problem here.
> To say the producer is charging too much for a product, therefore I am
> entitled to steal, it is simply rationalization for why you want to steal
> for your own gratification. To say that no one is getting hurt
> when you copy
> software and use it without buying a license is also rationalization for
> ripping off someone. Just because the act of theft is easy,
> doesn't make it
> morally or legally right.
> You guys have hit one of my hot buttons. Thirty years of creating
> software
> will make you aware of just what goes into a product like
> Photoshop CS. That
> plus working at a company that was charging well over $1,000,000
> for for a
> license to its (mainly my) software and yet was using bootleg copies of
> WordPerfect and lifting lines of code from its competitor's
> product has made
> me very sensitive to this issue.
> Just because you want something, doesn't mean you're entitled to have it.
> Larry in Dallas
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