And that's why I left and consulted to the law firm that was representing the company from whom they lifted code. It was a really thin line to walk while still honoring my original non-disclosure agreement with my former employer. This helped to stop the activity as they went Chapter 7 leaving me as one of a myriad of creditors. I really didn't think that this is the venue for going into further details.


Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 11:37:39 -0500
From: Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Photoshop CS Bargain Basement
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The argument can be made that if you work for a crook, you are a crook. It is a
legal priciple called accessory to the act. Many of us manage to justify our
conflicting views with such rationalizations as yours.

The above is not intended as an attack, but to illustrate out how we can argue
one side of an issue while we are actually on the other side of it.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Larry Levy wrote:

You guys have hit one of my hot buttons. Thirty years of creating
software will make you aware of just what goes into a product like
Photoshop CS. That plus working at a company that was charging well over
$1,000,000 for for a license to its (mainly my) software and yet was
using bootleg copies of WordPerfect and lifting lines of code from its
competitor's product has made me very sensitive to this issue.

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