I got what I asked for: one of those thermometer/barometer/hygrometer gadgets. A proper one with dials and no batteries.

Also another Jeremy Clarkson book which is a problem because I haven't quite finished reading the last one yet.

I got the Mrs a Tintin book (a book about Tintin, that is), which she'd asked for, and a cordless phone which was a last-minute idea I'd had. It is very difficult to tell one cordless phone from another around here. The boxes on display don't have any specifications on them, and the info cards (if the retailer has even bothered) are too dumbed-down to be of any use. I ended up buying the one with the nicest LCD.

The presents I'd bought myself aren't due until mid-to-late January.

Today (Boxing Day) the clouds FINALLY parted after several weeks of horribly unseasonable weather, and I went into the garden with my macro lens.


- Dave, who's not really much of a fan of Xmas


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