On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:59:15 -0800, Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That little girl was having herself a BALL!
> At first I thought the man standing on the side (Maple Leafs) was
> blowing up more baloons, but on blowing it up a little, I see him
> chewing on a burger - 'r something.  <g>
> Seems about everyone in the picture was in the process of moving
> somewhere. Most have lifted feet or bent legs...
> It's an energetic scene!
> keith

Yeah, the guy munching one the sandwich (I keep telling myself it's an
Italian Sandwich of some sort, in keeping with the festivities) is my
least favourite part of the shot.  When I first looked at the little
teeny contact, I hoped maybe he was taking his kid's photo, but one
look through the loupe dashed that possibility.

I thought about cropping out his head, then thought better of it, as
it would have left a headless torso.  It would have also cut off the
folks in the background, who are, I think, in important part of the

So, I left sandwich dad in there, warts and all.  All part of the fun,
I suppose.

Thanks for your thoughts, Keith (and Peter and Tom).  Glad you liked.

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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