On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 18:32:55 -0500, frank theriault
> Grabbed this one last summer whilst walking about a street festival in
> Toronto's Little Italy:

FWIW, Shel diddled around with this one for me, and it is now much
more faithful to the original print.  More importantly, it just looks
waaaaay better than my original posf.  With his permission, here is
the photo again, with more appropriate levels:


I have a large tome that tells all about how photographers should use
PS - I guess I better read it one of these days, eh?  <vbg>

BTW, thanks for the "pixel washing", Shel.  <LOL>  Oh, and BTW, thanks
to all those who have commented on this one.

A final thought:   I posted this photo because I was looking though
some old contacts (from the summer), looking for another shot, and
noticed this one which seems to have escaped my eye the first time. 
That's why I love contacts.  I don't know that I'd do the same if all
my shots were on a hard drive somewhere...

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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