
> That's pretty much what we did.  Godfrey (who suggested the place)
> is known there.  In fact they apparently don't offer the sponge
> bread platter on Saturdays, but but somebody went out specially
> to pick up the bread so we could sample the fare.

Some of the Ethiopian restaurants here in London have the 'flat bread'
(injera) flown in daily from Ethiopia. It's made from a millet-like
grain called tef, which is native to Ethiopia, although I think it may
be grown in the USA as well and sold through health food stores (it's
gluten-free). Here, if you can't get genuine injera the substitute is
nowhere near as good as the real thing.

Having said that though, there are endless different varieties of it
in Ethiopia, and sometimes it's really horrible.

I ought to dig out & scan some photos of a deacon handing round a
particularly dark variety of it to people at a church service as
communion bread. I also have some photos of women sitting outside the
church during the service, grinding the tef before making the injera.


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