I sent an image and had this reply from Marco:

 Thank you for your response. It look great.

Thanks again. "

From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 18:45:40 -0500

No, I received no response after mailing the pics. I made no inquiries.
On Feb 6, 2006, at 6:29 PM, Tom C wrote:


Did you get a "Don't Bother" e-mail? I was glad that I hadn't started working on it yet.

Tom C.

From: Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Subject: Re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 18:16:40 -0500

I sent them four pics. Never heard from them.
On Feb 6, 2006, at 5:46 PM, Tom C wrote:

I meant to say this last week but got busy. I am now really perplexed by Pentax Canada (maybe shouldn't be).

They ask for photos... for free.. without any proactive information on terms of use. I don't know how many people from the PDML wrote them or what they wrote. I did inquire, and the answers I received back were satisfactory, and though not having the power and force of a public document or Offical Rules of Submission, I was preparing to ready some shots and send them in.

Then last week we get the message that because of the inquiries or nature of the the inquiries it has (I'm paraphrasing and possibly coloring a little - I don't have the original message) 'become more trouble than it's worth and other sources will be found for the photos'.

I don't know about anyone else, but doesn't this seem just a little bit odd? I realize that Pentax Canada is not Pentax Japan, and that even one individual at Pentax Canada cannot represent that division. But doesn't it just rub a little bit the wrong way to ask customers for their best photos, not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal information, and then withdraw the request when it becomes too much of a bother? I'm not implying there was anything shady... I'm more implying that this is a surprising way of doing business.

Tom C.

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