It's interesting to note that Tom paraphrased the Pentax message he
received, and while I'm sure there's no attempt on Tom's part to obfuscate
matters, subsequent messages by Godfrey and Aaron shed a somewhat clearer
light on the situation, and, at least in my opinion, make the actions
Pentax much more understandable.

I get the sense that Pentax received a number of mean-spirited missives
from this list.  Perhaps I'm wrong, but if not, I'd not be surprised.


> [Original Message]

> Yeah, it's stupid.
> This is not an anti-Pentaxian statement, BTW. It's a who in the  
> h__ is doing customer relations at that place? type of question.


> I don't know about anyone else, but doesn't this seem just a little bit
>   I realize that Pentax Canada is not Pentax Japan, and that even one 
> individual at Pentax Canada cannot represent that division.  But doesn't
> just rub a little bit the wrong way to ask customers for their best
> not proactively provide what would be considered fairly normal
> and then withdraw the request when it becomes too much of a bother?  I'm
> implying there was anything shady...  I'm more implying that this is a 
> surprising way of doing business.
> Tom C.
> =======

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