On Mar 29, 2006, at 4:59 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

Yes, here we go again. Ad hominem attacks are a signal to me that you are out of ideas on how to respond meaningfully.


You may wish to seek out a definition of ad hominem. What Graywolf did was insult you. There's a difference.

You, however, are guilty of an ad hominem attack when you said to Tom C.:

"With these statements, you demonstrate little study of Philosophy or Science."

By pointing out what you perceived to be Tom's educational deficiencies, you slipped from a discussion of the subject to a suggestion that Tom was not qualified to make his assertions. That is a textbook example of ad hominem, in that Tom's level of education has no bearing on the veracity of his assertions.

who thinks "ad hominem" claims are thrown about entirely too often.

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