I would hope as lomg as a negative would hold out. I know the longevity numbers 
thrown out
are from 
lab tests, but i would hope as long as computers are made to read my formats, 
or atleast
give me time 
to upgrade them to what ever format comes along in the future.

30-50 years would be nice as a start number.<g>

Although i keep all my equine shots, and only a fraction are sold, it would not 
be a
disaster for me if 
after 10 years i could not access them. If no one is interested in 2006, what 
makes me
think they'll be in 

However for my personal shots that are recording York Regions 
farm/barn/landscapes and
stuff of my 
family and cats etc, i'm doing, i would hope the data can be kept forever, and 
the good
ones get printed 
so that would help in longevity i suppose.

Wow,,, what a ramble LOL



> Thanks Dave,
> How long do you expect your backup copies to last?
> Jostein
> > So far, a back up onto a 120 gig Maxtor as well as a CD or DVD burn.For 
> > small
> > files a CD
> > burn and for 
> > larger files a DVD burn, so i have them backed up twice.
> > 
> > With shooting Pef's and Nef's it does not take long to get a large folder, 
> > so
> > its mostly
> > Maxtor and DVD 
> > now.
> > I'm thinking now that i have Apple and isync, i might just put my really 
> > good
> > favorites
> > there to.
> > 
> > Dave   
> > 
> >                                     > 
> > > 
> > > So what do you think? And how do you store your precious moments?
> > > 
> > > Thanks for your thoughts,
> > > Jostein
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> > > 
> > 
> >                             
> > 
> > 
> > 
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