I have my pictures on my desktop hard drive. And since I have a laptop I am 
thinking of copying pictures I don't want to lose to it as well. I could easily 
lose 80-90% of my photos. :-) Only some do I really, really like.

I make backups of various picture directories to DVDs periodically. I 
suggested once that hard drives were better for storage than DVDs and was 
jumped on. 
But from my experience with computers for 20+ years or so, I find fixed media 
more reliable than removable media. So I've been thinking of getting an 
external hard drive as well.

I'm just lucky my hard drive hasn't crashed. Hard drives have crashed on me 
in the past. About two. But most can last a long time. Long enough, anyway, 
until I upgrade to a newer and bigger drive and then copy stuff to it from the 
existing hard drive.

As a former computer consultant, I used to recommend to people that they do 
tape backups, because, believe it or not, tape can last a very long time. Then 
it became harder and harder to find tape drives and I stopped consulting 
pretty much some time ago.

I keep thinking I'd prefer to do tape backups. Maybe I will see if there are 
some tape drives still around somewhere one of these days. When I am willing 
to spend more on my camera hobby again. Film, transparencies, tape can last 
longer than DVDs or hard drives.

I ran across this article a while ago. "IBM expert warns of short life span 
for CDs..."


He's talking about CDs, but I think it applies to DVDs too, to a degree. 
Probably a large degree.

Analog storage will last longer than digital storage. Or something that has 
more durability, than is similar to other forms of analog storage, will last 
longer than things like drives that have moving parts, or CDs/DVDs that can 
degrade due to dye.

That is just my opinion. A slightly informed one, but not a highly informed 

Marnie aka Doe :-)

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