
I certainly don't blame anyone who seeks revenge, and it is certainly
understandable that it is the emotion of the hour.

I'm sitting here, some 500 or 600 miles from New York, in a different country.
As revulsed and sickened as I am to have seen what has happened, I am removed
from that awful reality.  If I lived in NY, or the US, I'm not sure that I
wouldn't seek revenge either.

I merely hope that the passage of time allows everyone to take a sober second
look at what has happened.  There has already been a lot of nasty things said
about Arabs, Muslims and Afghanis, and we still don't even know who did this!

Mr. Bush's proclamation to exact punishment not only against the perpetrators,
but against "those who harbour them" scares the hell out of me.  If Bin Laden is
responsible, surely the people of Afghanistan aren't.  By an accident of
geography, they are subjects of a despotic regime.  They are still living in a
country ravaged by a vicious civil war.  Carpet bombing Kabul will not stop
terrorism, it will only steel their resolve.

We must remember that these evil terrorists (wherever they may be from) were so
fanatical that they were willing to die for their cause.  My guess is that there
are thousands, or millions who would replace them.  You'll never kill them all.
They don't fear death.  But attacks on their homeland will only mean more death
and misery exacted on the US and other western countries.

I fear that this may be only a taste of what could be in store.

Please everyone, justice, not revenge, not retribution.



> Frank,
> Revenge is the emotion of the hour and the feeling will grow stronger
> tomorrow and the next day.  Thousands have died.  Millions of people across
> America will know someone who died today in these acts.  They will be touched
> personally.  They will be sad and frustrated and then angry.  They will seek
> to extract a penalty of such a draconian magnitude that no one will ever
> think of doing this again.
> Bob S.

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears
it is true." -J. Robert
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