> > On 1/3/07, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Just one side point... neither purgatory or a burning hell are taught 
>by the
> >> Bible. So yes a strange, in fact, false logic.<snip>
> >
> > Indeed!
> >
> > The concept of purgatory is Roman Catholic dogma (perhaps other
> > Christian sects believe in it, I don't know).  What has Catholicism
> > ever had to do with the Bible?
> >
> > cheers,
> > frank, recovering catholic
> >
>Purgatory is inferred from one of the Deuterocanonical books (the 7
>books of the Old Testament written in Greek that come from the
>Septaguint Canon of the old testament which was in common use until
>300AD and is sill used by Catholic and Orthodox churches, but aren't in
>the Alexandrian Canon of the Old Testament used by most Protestant
>Churches). The basis is biblical, but something of a stretch.

I guess we can call this the Purgatory Discuss Mailing List now. :-)  
Inferrence is easy when looking at one statement or passage, but when that 
inferrence is contradictory to other clear statements, it must be wrong.

The concept of Purgatory clearly contradicts Ecclesiastes 9:5, "For the 
living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are 
conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the 
remembrance of them has been forgotten."

Tom C.

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