This seems to be in keeping with the look of how things are panning out. 
It must be obvious to the whole industry that the success of the Canon 
D30 has highlighted the need for medium-priced pro/am digi SLR. With the 
previous 6MP Pentax vapoware, the price would have been well within the 
Nikon D and upcoming Canon EOS1 D territory - but few would have been 
sold, seeing as how Nikon and Canon have cornered the pro market. Very 
few Nikon/Canon users would have swapped for a Pentax - even if it was 
full-frame. The next cameras from Nikon and Canon will have full frame 
sensors.  Which leaves us, a few making there living shooting Pentax, 
most doing it for love, not wanting to lose all the glass, wanting good 

If there is anyone at Pentax reading this, or anyone knows anyone at 
Pentax, please copy and paste the following and email it to them:

Dear Pentax,

I am an amateur Pentax user of many years, on the cusp of introducing 
digital image acquisition to my repertoire. I am painfully close to 
buying a Canon D30, and I do mean painfully. I am prepared to wait - but 
not for much longer. The point is, if I don't get the chance to buy a 
Pentax DSLR soon (before Christmas 2002 TOPS), I will, without doubt, be 
getting a D30, and swapping glass as appropriate. The even bigger point: 
very unlikely I will swap back, because then I will be caught up in the 
Canon Way, updating bits of kit as and when appropriate. Sure I'll keep 
some vintage Pentax kit, but as a company, that's of little interest to 
you - what you want is for me to buy a Pentax D, not a Canon D. What you 
want is for me to stay Pentax, so I'll then upgrade as new cameras become 
available, new lenses, and so on. So please, I know you're working on it, 
I know you're building it - give me (and all the rest of us in this 
situation) a quick word of confirmation. Tap out a quick press release, 
give it to the magazines as a filler even. But give me a confirmation 
that we'll see hardware on the shelves sometime SOON! Thank you.

I sometimes think that we, as Pentax users, could do a better job! Anyone 
want to bung some money in the hat and we'll buy out Pentax - the PDML 



>I've been told (something that doesn't prevent it from being bull***, but 
>anyway....) that Pentax have decided to use another chip in the MZ-D. 
>Theres no reason to automatically assume that it will be a different camera 
>and that it will use a chip smaller than 24x36. In fact, you can expect 
>otherwise. Pentax choose not to use the Phillips chip because it was too 
>expensive - in a short while other chip will exist that offer the same 
>performance but at a significant lower price. I was told that digital 
>Contax DON'T use the Phillips 6mpix chip that Pentax showed in their MZ-D 
>prototype (can anyone confirm this?).
>Anyway, the bottom line is that there will be an MZ-D but with another chip 
>that's probably full frame. Expect it within a year.

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