Well said Cotty!

Exactly my own point of view at the moment ...

(delaying buying a 3-set of limited lenses until things clear up :-)

Regards, JvW

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:43:22 +0000, Cotty wrote:

>If there is anyone at Pentax reading this, or anyone knows anyone at 
>Pentax, please copy and paste the following and email it to them:
>Dear Pentax,
>I am an amateur Pentax user of many years, on the cusp of introducing 
>digital image acquisition to my repertoire. I am painfully close to 
>buying a Canon D30, and I do mean painfully. I am prepared to wait - but 
>not for much longer. The point is, if I don't get the chance to buy a 
>Pentax DSLR soon (before Christmas 2002 TOPS), I will, without doubt, be 
>getting a D30, and swapping glass as appropriate. The even bigger point: 
>very unlikely I will swap back, because then I will be caught up in the 
>Canon Way, updating bits of kit as and when appropriate. Sure I'll keep 
>some vintage Pentax kit, but as a company, that's of little interest to 
>you - what you want is for me to buy a Pentax D, not a Canon D. What you 
>want is for me to stay Pentax, so I'll then upgrade as new cameras become 
>available, new lenses, and so on. So please, I know you're working on it, 
>I know you're building it - give me (and all the rest of us in this 
>situation) a quick word of confirmation. Tap out a quick press release, 
>give it to the magazines as a filler even. But give me a confirmation 
>that we'll see hardware on the shelves sometime SOON! Thank you.

Jan van Wijk;   www.fsys.demon.nl
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