> You know, the problem I have with it isn't that they decided 
> it was staged; it's that they didn't decide that until AFTER 
> they had already awarded it the first prize.
> Every reason cited for rejecting it after the fact should 
> have been apparent before it won.
> Ok, so he (maybe) didn't follow the contest rules; it sure 
> looks like that from the image ... but how stupid do the 
> judges have to be to not notice that BEFORE choosing the guy 
> as Wildlife Photographer of the Year?

20:20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. 

Look at the fake Vermeers that Van Meegeren made and you wonder how the hell
all those experts could be fooled by such obvious crap but to a large extent
we see what we want to see. If the photographer proves that it was indeed a
wild wolf, it will suddenly become a brilliant shot again. If one of Van
Meegeren's daub is suddenly revealed to be a genuine Vermeer it will become
a masterpiece. 

I think the wolf photo is brilliant, even if it doesn't comply with the
competition rules.

The Van Meegerens are all still shit though.


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