> JCO,
> Problem is, lots of us are drinking thru a very narrow straw.
> Regards,  Bob S.
> << I vote for larger picture dimentions and filesizes.
>  It's 2002 for christs sake, were using 1992 size
>  images.
>  JCO >>
> -

IF you have your monitor set, as I do, at 800 x 640, the
images are plenty big.
I only have a Dell Pentium III and a dial-up modem.  I make
my jpgs for ebay
600 x 600 at 96 dpi - they almost take up the entire screen
when I look at them
in my browser.  I'm most bothered by images that are so big
that I cant see the
whole picture on my monitor.  I have it set at 800 x 640
because it is better
for my eyes. Every thing in large font too.  

It is a rather elitist attitude to just make things work for
only those with 
the best hardware and most advanced software. I would like
my photos to be viewed
by as many people as possible, wouldn't you?  

Let me "ditto" as well all of Paul S's comments regarding
this stuff - it
has always been my impression that this was pretty much how
it worked.

And those three pix on Shel's page look exactly the same to
me, too.

However, when I first designed my home page I lacked a lot
in knowledge
(not that I have a lot now) about the workings of the making
of web files
and while the banner looks great to me on Netscape, people
on Aol see a lot
of mush. (A lack of sharpness,etc.) 

Rather like what Sid is disappointed in when he looks at his
flowers on the web.  

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