In a message dated 8/1/2002 4:05:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> That's right. Get a grip, folks. The stuff stinks. Try putting a Mac zip
> disk into a PC: just make sure you back everything up first. Blue screen of
> death ensues. Fatal error (whatever that means).
> Put a PC zip disk in a Mac, and it will read it no problem.

Oh my God. You're the one who needs to get a grip.

Mac's HAVE to support PC formatted disks since that's what the rest of the 
world runs on. Duh!

And, Apple stole everything about the MAC from Xerox PARC, just down the road 
from me in Silicon Valley. They stole the GUI, the Mouse, networking, 
email...everything! So, to say that Gate's was copying MACS is only accurate 
as long as you ackwnoledge that MACS are a ripoff in themselves! Like Steve 
Jobs is some saint. The guy's an total a-hole by reputation. Every bit as 
ruthless and cut-throat as Gate's (probably why they're both very rich).

By the way, Pirates of Silicon Valley is a stupid film. If you want to see 
something factually based and a heck of a lot more accurate and interesting 
see "The Triumph of the Nerds." It is a documentary about the battle over the 
home based PC. It's not some crappy dramatization of what went on.

>You think Enron was a scam; that's peanuts compared to the crap Bill Gates
and his weasel cohorts continue to foist on the public; and you eat it up in
droves. You get what you deserve, like your weasel of a president (nice
election Bush ran; good clean campaign).

I don't even klnow what this means? Nothing Bill Gate's did to acquire QDOS 
was illegal...what are you talking about?  And, like selling computers that 
are a lot more expensive than others that do the same things isn't snakeoil? 
I mean who are you kidding? Also, what the hell is the political commentary 
all about?


-Brendan MacRae 
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