----- Original Message -----
From: "Conrad F. Samuels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

> I think Pentax decided somewhere to specialise in medium format gear.  I
still remember when they brought out their first MF SLR in the early 70's
although the name escapes me now.  In all fairness,  they have never looked
back.  Others have come and gone some more than others (like Mamiya,  maybe
Bronica) but Pentax MF still rules pretty well supreme.  Fine.  This is
their niche.  Why faff around in the murky waters of 35mm especially now
that digital is so popular.  Anyhow,  look at how many Pentax
point-and-shoots, including digital ones,  are for sale.  How many people do
you all think will forsake Nikon/Canon and turn to Pentax?

If, as you think, Pentax decided to specialise in the MF, then how come they
introduce new 35mm bodies so often as well as introduce new features like
P-TTL, HSS, SAFOX VII in 35mm bodies? I think they focus equally on both
formats. Besides, you're wrong about that Pentax supremacy in the MF
segment. The reason is simple - bodies lack interchangeable backs. This is
more important and decisive thing than one would suspect.
Also don't overestimate digital cameras - only the most expensive of them
are capable of producing good pictures and there are still situations when
films are unbeatable.
Last but not least, my answer to your final question... I think that no pro
(sorry for using this word again) will turn from C/N to Pentax unless Pentax
provides them with equally equiped, yet unique, highly specialised body. I
mean both film and digital stuff. But don't forget that there are and will
be new people in the pro segment, who are seeking or will seek such cameras
for themseves and these are the people Pentax should think of...
What I dream about, especially after buying a Z-1p a few days ago, is a body
which is based on the Z-1p in terms of the whole design, ergonomy and
features, yet upgraded with the SAFOX VII, electronic DOF preview, magnesium
housing, P-TTL, HSS, Battery Grip. I really estimate the Z-1p's HyperProgram
and built-in flash compensation which are so convenient to use, especially
after playing with the MZ-5n which is in a way similar to operate to the
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