> On Oct 3, 2014, at 5:41 AM, Sungchul Ji <s...@rci.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> This conclusion seems consistent with the postulate I proposed in 2012
> that the wave-particle complementarity operates not only in physics, but
> also in biology and semiotics (see Table 2.13 in the chapter entitled
> Complementarity,  under Publications > Book Chapters at conformon.net 
> <http://conformon.net/>).

I’m not sure what it would mean for complementarity to operate in semiotics.

I’d imagine though that the Planck Distribution would arise in other systems 
based purely on statistical mechanics and not necessarily due to a causal 
connection to wave/particle duality. After all the distribution takes the form 
it does in large mart due to how it’s related to thermal average. But I 
honestly haven’t studied this issue at all so I don’t have much to say. That’s 
just a guess off the top of my head. After all lots of classical systems are 
naturally “quantized” without it being due to quantum mechanics. 
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