> On Oct 2, 2014, at 4:59 AM, Frederik Stjernfelt <stj...@hum.ku.dk> wrote:
> Mathematics certainly deals in propositions according to P. 
> P's general philosophy of math claims that math is about forms of relations, 
> and that those abstract objects are addressed by the help of diagrams. 
> Existing, particular, physical diagram tokens permit the access to diagram 
> types, in turn incarnating forms of relations. This implies that such 
> diagrams form the predicate parts of Dicisigns, while accompanying symbolic 
> guidelines and indices provide the subject parts of those Dicisigns. 

I was thinking less of Peirce here than the Frege inspired literature within 
analytic philosophy. Clearly for Peirce math has a dicisign. By literature I 
didn’t mean Peircean literature. My apologies. I should have been clearer. I 
was more thinking of putting Peirce and the dicisign in comparison to the 
dominant literature and see what Peirce offers that analytic philosophy has 
struggled with.

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