> On Nov 30, 2015, at 12:05 PM, Sungchul Ji <s...@rci.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> It seems to me that your remark here would be true if all structures are mind 
> (or mentality)-dependent.  But I believe that the astrophysical evidence we 
> have suggests that there were structures in the Universe that existed even 
> before we appeared on this planet and will continue to exist long after we 
> are gone following the extinction of the the sun.

Remember that for Peirce it’s all mind. It’s nearly a type of pan-psychism. Not 
in a strong sense of that term but in the sense that a bee-hive or even 
crystals have mind-like aspects. So never confuse mind with human mind in 
Peirce. Often his examples are human mind but he means something much more 

So one way to think about early cosmology when symmetry breaking takes place is 
mind acquiring habits. Peirce of course lived before anything like contemporary 
cosmology was known. Yet his broad notion of mind and habits actually fits 
cosmology quite well.

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