
I repeat, firsts are not structures and structures are not firsts. Firsts don’t 
permit the sort of relational properties required of structures, though there 
is a first corresponding to any structure, properly called an icon, but 
structures are never icons. Structures can exist as seconds, and be real as 
thirds. This is the way the notion of structure is used in logic and in network 
theory (nodes and connections among them, which is logically identical to a 

This sort of abuse of terminology undermines what you are saying, and in fact 
makes it false. This is a shame.

On the issue of cardinality and ordinality, you have them backwards.  The 
numbers are given in terms of the closure of equinumerosity, the closure being 
at least a second order property, which is just cardinality. Once this is 
established by some method , we can define ordinality in terms of it. This is 
how it has been done since at least Peano, and the contemporary set theoretic 
definition of the counting numbers in terms of the empty set and constructions 
(either Zermelo-Fraenkel or von Neumann) on it follow the same pattern by 
ensuring equinumerosity first through defining a second order property, and 
then proving the ordinality. I addressed this before, but obviously you don’t 
care about getting it right.

John Collier
Professor Emeritus, UKZN

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sungchul Ji
Sent: Wednesday, 02 December 2015 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] signs, correlates, and triadic relations

Hi Clark,

". . .  Firstness is the world of raw experience, ideas or possibility, 
secondness the world                      (120115-1)
of reactions, brute force & actuality and thirdness the world of signs, 
connections and power
(not necessarily mental unless one is careful what one means by that)."

(1)  I agree with you on the definition of these categories of Peirce.
We seem to disagree on how to assign these categories to the three worlds of 
Burgin and the three roses of Scotus.

(2)  In principle, there are 6 (and only 6) ways of assigning the three objects 
(whether words or roses) to the Peircean categories as shown in Table 1.  
Although I adopted Possibility 1 in Figure 1 of my PEIRCE-L post of 11/302015, 
I cannot rule out some of the other possibilities listed in Table 1.

Table 1.  Non-deterministic relation between triadic model of the worlds and 
Peircean categories.





 Context or Field of Studies































*S = World of structures
  P = Physical world
  M = Mental world

(3)  The non-determinism indicated in Table 1 is frustrating if we assume, 
whether correctly or not, that there should be only one unambiguous assignment 
possible if our theories are right. Such an assumption may be valid and future 
studies may indeed reveal an unambiguous categorial assignment.  Alternatively, 
the non-determinism of Table 1 may be real and reflects a deep structure of 
reality as discussed below.

(4)  The non-determinism of Table 1 reminded me of a similar non-determinism in 
gauge field theories in physics.  Simply put

". . .  a gauge theory is a type of field 
theory<> in which the 
Lagrangian<> is          
invariant<> under a continuous 
group<> of local transformations"

Replacing "Lagrangian" with "Peircean categories" and identify the 6 
possibilities of Table 1 with "local transformations"  in (1201156-2) logically 
leads to

"A gauge theory may be said to apply to semiotics qualitatively, if the 
Peircean ITR                        (120115-3)
(Irreducible Triadic Relation) remains invariant upon transforming the nature 
of the
objects occupying the three positions in the commutative triangle, Figure 1"

                                     f                                    g
              Firstness ----------------> Secondness -----------> Thirdness
            (Real Rose)                       (Rose)                  (Mental 
     [World of Structures]           [Physical World]          [Mental World]
Figure 1.  The Peircean ITR as the conserved property of semiotics (or sign 
physics (?))
                 f = actualization; g = pattern formation; h = information flow.

(5)  The validity of Statement (120115-3) seems partly supported by the 
approximate symmetry that can be detected between particle physics and 
semiotics as analyzed in Table 1.

Table 1.   “Generalized’  Gauge  Field theory (?)


Particle Physics

Semiotics (Sign Physics ?)

Objects studied

nucleons (protons, neutrons)

Ideas (1ns, 2ns, & 3ns)*


angular momentum


Conserved property

Isotopic spin, I

Cardinality or ITR***

Gauage Field Force

Strong force

'Mind force' (?)

*1ns = Firstness; 2ns = Secondness; 3ns = Thirdness.
**1ns is prerequisite for 2ns which is prerequisite for 3nd.
***ITR = Irreducible Triadic Relation, stating that the elements cannot be 
reduced to two or one.

Again, if the content of Table 1 turns out to be true in principle, one 
'astounding' result seems to fall out of  the symmetry of Table 1  -- the 
existence of what may be called the 'Mind Force' in analogy to the "Strong 
Force" in atomic nuclei  (see the last row).

(7)  The 'Mind Force' postulated in Table 1 operates not only in the Mental 
World but also in the Physical World and the World of Structures where the 
Principle of ITR operates.

(8)  It may be an exciting challenge to find out how the "mind force" 
postulated in Table 1 is related to Peirce's "Mind" that operates throughout 
the Universe:

"Thought is no necessarily connected with a brain.  It appears in the work of 
bees, of crystals and          (120115-4)
throughout the purely physical world; and one can no more deny that it is 
really there, than that the
colors, the shapes, etc. of objects are really there."  (CP 4.551)

I am not comfortable with (120115-4).  I would agree with Peirce if he confines 
his "Mind" to those processes and structures  in the Universe that embody ITR.

With all the best.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Clark Goble 
<<>> wrote:

On Nov 30, 2015, at 10:50 AM, Sungchul Ji 
<<>> wrote:

                                          f                              g
              Real Rose  ----------------> Rose  -----------> Mental Rose
              (Firstness)                  (Secondness)              (Thirdness)
     [World of Structures]         [Physical World]          [Mental World]

Peirce’s ontology doesn’t quite follow that. Firstness is the world of raw 
experience, ideas or possibility, secondness the world of reactions, brute 
force & actuality and thirdness the world of signs, connections and power (not 
necessarily mental unless one is careful what one means by that). So depending 
upon what one means by structure you’d have that in the third universe.

Again though one has to be careful with terminology and Peirce’s shifts around 
a bit over time.

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Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855
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