Jon, list - But Peirce himself wrote of 'self-generation' from 'nothing' in 
1.412. There is no mention of an a priori or metaphysical causal agency; 
indeed, the system is self-generating "Out of the womb of indeterminacy we must 
say that there would have come something, by the principle of Firstness, which 
we may call a flash. Then by the principle of habit there would have been a 
second flash...."

The basic axioms are inherent in the system: the three categories. That is all 
that is needed. No agential causality. "three elements are active in the world: 
first, chance; second, law; and third, habit-taking" 1.409.

I think that both you and I are also thinking within our own 'basic axioms' - 
and we cannot readily escape those. You are a theist and I am an atheist - and 
therefore you accept an a priori agent [God] whereas I find it implausible. 
These are our beliefs and I don't think they are subject to empirical evidence!!


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jon Alan Schmidt 
  To: Edwina Taborsky 
  Cc: Jeffrey Brian Downard ; Peirce-L 
  Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2016 12:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Logical Universes and Categories

  Edwina, Jeff, List:

  This highlights one of my strong initial misgivings about Jeff's posts from 
last night.  I do not see it as valid at all to substitute "the Mind-like 
Reasonableness in Nature" for "God" as Ens necessarium.  As I have pointed out 
before, Peirce made it very clear in the manuscript drafts for "A Neglected 
Argument" that what he meant by "God" is not someone or something that is 
"immanent in Nature."  I have also previously noted the distinction between 
"self-organization" (of that which already has Being), which is perfectly 
plausible and even evident in the world today, and "self-creation" or 
"self-generation" (something coming into Being on its own out of nothing), 
which I find completely implausible.


  Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
  Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

  On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 8:12 AM, Edwina Taborsky <> wrote:

    Jeffrey- very nice outline. My view is that  "the Mind-like Reasonableness 
in Nature as Ens necessarium self-sufficient in its originative capacity, 
"...for Peirce rejected the Cartesian separation of Mind and Matter. Therefore, 
Mind, as a necessary component of Matter, self-organizes that same Matter and 
its Laws - by means of the three Categories which enable it to do just that.



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