> On Oct 26, 2016, at 12:23 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> CG:  They don’t have 8 up on their web page for purchase yet.
> Which web page?  It was published way back in 2009, and may be purchased 
> directly from IUP at 
> http://www.iupress.indiana.edu/product_info.php?products_id=207993.  It is 
> also on Amazon at 
> https://www.amazon.com/Writings-Charles-Peirce-Chronological-1890-1892/dp/0253372089/.
> CG:  What I’d most be interested in would be an electronic version.
> All seven published volumes are also available as individual eBooks; e.g., 
> for Kindle from Amazon.

Looks like that’s the only volume with a Kindle edition. I’d looked through a 
bunch coincidentally last night and was surprised by the lack of Kindle. 


The web page I was looking at was the Indiana University Press website. They’ve 
obviously not kept it up.

But I just looked and they had a different new site up that does include volume 
8. Kind of weird. Google just prioritized the old one over the new one with my 
queries last night.


They also link to ebook versions but it looks like most of them for some odd 
reason aren’t in the US. I get an error trying to bring their Apple link up for 
instance and it doesn’t show up within iBooks. 

> CG:  Although critical texts take a long time even in the best situations.
> I am so glad that they produced EP when and how they did.  Part of me wishes 
> that they had published all of the Writings in that fashion, given how much 
> longer that project is taking than anyone anticipated.

Yes although oddly EP2 is only available for Kindle. EP1 is not for some odd 
reason. (And neither is available for iBooks which has vastly superior note 
taking IMO)
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