> On Oct 26, 2016, at 7:42 AM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Actually, seven volumes of the Writings have been published (1-6 and 8), now 
> extending through July 1892.  As I understand it, work is currently in 
> progress on three additional volumes.
> W7 will include all of Peirce's contributions to the Century Dictionary, 
> spanning from 1883 to 1909.
> W9 will cover August 1892 to early summer 1893.
> W11 will contain the complete text of Peirce's previously unpublished book, 
> How to Reason:  A Critick of Arguments.
> I am especially eager for the last of these, but apparently it is still a 
> ways off, especially since Dr. Irving Anellis passed away in 2013; he was 
> leading the preparation of the annotations for it.  I understand the impetus 
> for a scholarly critical edition, but it definitely slows the process down to 
> a crawl.
> CP is convenient, since its contents can be referenced by paragraph rather 
> than just page number.  My criticism is directed at the decision to arrange 
> everything topically, rather than chronologically; it resulted in splitting 
> up some of the papers and manuscripts, rather than keeping them together, and 
> makes it difficult to track the evolution of Peirce's thought over time.

Interesting. They don’t have 8 up on their web page for purchase yet.

That’s probably wise breaking out his dictionary work from the rest.

What I’d most be interested in would be an electronic version. Even a pdf which 
they must have to produce the book. Despite saying this is a priority on their 
web site they don’t have it yet. I suspect that funding and people contributing 
is the big problem. Although critical texts take a long time even in the best 
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