Clark, List:

Actually, seven volumes of the Writings have been published (1-6 and 8),
now extending through July 1892.  As I understand it, work is currently in
progress on three additional volumes.

   - W7 will include all of Peirce's contributions to the *Century
   Dictionary*, spanning from 1883 to 1909.
   - W9 will cover August 1892 to early summer 1893.
   - W11 will contain the complete text of Peirce's previously unpublished
   book, *How to Reason:  A Critick of Arguments*.

I am especially eager for the last of these, but apparently it is still a
ways off, especially since Dr. Irving Anellis passed away in 2013; he was
leading the preparation of the annotations for it.  I understand the
impetus for a scholarly critical edition, but it definitely slows the
process down to a crawl.

CP is convenient, since its contents can be referenced by paragraph rather
than just page number.  My criticism is directed at the decision to arrange
everything topically, rather than chronologically; it resulted in splitting
up some of the papers and manuscripts, rather than keeping them together,
and makes it difficult to track the evolution of Peirce's thought over time.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:11 PM, CLARK GOBLE <> wrote:
> The CP was a fantastic work by Harvard in the day. Up to that point people
> typically had to go to Harvard and go through the collections to read most
> of Peirce. (Derrida famously had to go to Harvard for a year to read much
> of Peirce back in the 50’s) The CP enabled people to actually get the
> lesser known (and arguably more important) works of Peirce. So it’s been a
> huge benefit but has the limits of being that first work and organized
> somewhat thematically.
> The Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition is arguably
> much better. But it’s not yet as widely available, so far as I’m aware
> isn’t in an electronic edition yet, and is only up to volume 6 which deals
> with his writings from 1886-1890. Since for most of us it is his post mid
> 90’s work that is most valuable that means we’ll have to wait a while to
> use the series or stick with the EP.
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