Clark, list,

Yes, the question of measuring sub-Planckian phenomena involves more nuances than I got into or understand, and, for example, phenomena at sub-Planckian lengths are not completely inaccessible in principle if, as in the famous example, a universe-sized collider could tell us about them. I'm keeping the audience in mind, some of whom may know even less physics than I do (which is also why I say some things that you already know). Let's not lose sight of the fact that the average educated reader would not have expected that one could show, without a cosmic collider or some such science-fictional device, that space does not show granularity or pixellation (which some theories of quantum gravity seem to call for) above a length of the order of 8∕100,000,000 of the Planck length, i.e., atmospheric neutrino speeds appear not to vary in the way that the idea of such granularity predicts, at least down to that level of resolution. So some more versions of quantum gravity (don't ask me which ones) have been experimentally disfavored. So quantum gravity theories are not 100% untestable in current practice. Now, as I understand it, such granularity or pixellation, nature as a discrete computer, etc., would create problems for the Lorentz symmetry (which is continuous) and would tend to imply a preferred reference frame, and one would need to fine-tune added factors to cancel the problems out. (Peirce had reasons based, as far as I can tell, in the nature of thought and in the nature of spontaneity a.k.a. absolute chance, for a continuity of space, time, and law. At any rate, continuity is looking pretty good now.) The generic principle of relativity (laws of motion look the same in all inertial reference frames) leaves one with a binary choice (again, as I understand it) between the Galilean symmetry and the more constraining Lorentz symmetry (which unites space and time, quantifying them in the same units), so it's not like some other symmetry is going to come along and rescue the principle of relativity in such dire discrete straits. But my real point is that if observations of atmospheric neutrinos can tell us about spacetime at almost science-fictionally sub-Planckian lengths, then tests of distinctive predictions from string theory shouldn't seem an impossible dream.

Thanks for the links!

Best, Ben

On 12/12/2016 11:14 AM, Clark Goble wrote:

(Sorry somehow managed to send this to the old list number. Stupid Apple Mail.)

On Dec 11, 2016, at 12:48 PM, Benjamin Udell < <> > wrote:

According to Wikipedia, the Planck length is, in principle, within a factor of 10, the shortest measurable length – and no theoretically known improvement in measurement instruments could change that. But some physicists have found that that's not quite as much of a barrier as it may seem to be.

It ends up being a bit more complex than that. It really depends upon the system in question and what you are measuring. There’s also the debate about whether this is epistemological or “real” (although when people use that term they mean traditional realism not Peirce’s realism which tends to blur the distinction).

BTW - a better discussion of Planck length is probably stack exchange which gets into many of the nuances (both physical and philosophical). It’s almost always a better source than Wikipedia on these topics.

The short answer is that gravitational effects become dominate below the Planck length we assume. Since we don’t have a theory of quantum gravity this region is more or less ‘no man’s land’ unless one tries to apply string theory or the like. Beyond that it’s just a scale factor and we probably shouldn’t say much beyond that. (Again unless one is doing theoretical work in quantum gravity - but that has its own problems)

Typically in practical QM problems we assume a classical continuous substantial spacetime and ignore all these issues. In that case we’re just worried about what we can measure in principle about *that* system from the math.

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