> On Dec 12, 2016, at 3:17 PM, Jerry LR Chandler <jerry_lr_chand...@icloud.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 2016, at 3:48 PM, Clark Goble <cl...@lextek.com 
>> <mailto:cl...@lextek.com>> wrote:
>>> On Dec 12, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Jerry LR Chandler 
>>> <jerry_lr_chand...@icloud.com <mailto:jerry_lr_chand...@icloud.com>> wrote:
>>> One critical fact that is “the elephant in the room” is the intrinsic 
>>> asymmetry of nearly all biomolecules. Life Itself depends on the 
>>> asymmetries entailed from parent to offspring and the offsprings capacity 
>>> to reproduce these quantum asymmetries through the energetic casual 
>>> electric field relations among discrete molecules.  (This is the 
>>> well-established quantum physics of optical isomers, of the handedness of 
>>> biophilic and biogenic hyle.)
>> Could you expand on this? 
> In the simplest possible cases, the magnitude of the handedness of a 
> biophilic molecule is a function of five mathematical objects, all of which 
> must be different from the other four. 
> No group operation is possible on the order of the five different objects of 
> a handed biophilic / biogenic component of the anatomy of the identity.
> BTW, this argument (expansion) is part of a manuscript recently submitted for 
> publication.
> As you may recall, the paper on the perplex number system was published 
> several years ago.  It has taken me  more than 15 years to unentangle the 
> connections between CSP logical reference system for assertions (perhaps 
> syllogisms?) that illate legisigns for handedness to one another via the 
> atomic numbers. 

But isn’t the particular handedness itself a result of symmetry breaking? (I’ll 
confess I’m completely ignorant of this chemistry) That is to get an asymmetry 
presupposes something first broke a symmetry.

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