Edwina, list,

I agree with Edwina. There have now been a number of studies comparing
Wikipedia and Britannica, such as this published in *Nature *
showing that they are about equal in accuracy.


Gary R

[image: Gary Richmond]

*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
*C 745*
*718 482-5690*

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>

> I don't think one should take a 'snooty' or elitist approach to Wikipedia.
> Their site is not totally filled with simplistic ignorant commentary by and
> for the unwashed masses. Their political commentary is, yes, biased as are
> most political commentaries. But their strictly mathematical and scientific
> comments are, as written by mathematicians and scientists, usually quite
> acceptable and informative.
> Edwina
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Benjamin Udell <baud...@gmail.com>
> *Cc:* Peirce List <peirce-l@list.iupui.edu>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 13, 2016 9:58 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce and Science (was Democracy)
> I stated that it was Wikipedia to make clear that it was "for what it's
> worth". I confess that I was pressed for time. I did subsequently send a
> link to an article on the Planck length for the general public from
> Fermilab Today: http://www.fnal.gov/pub/today/
> archive/archive_2013/today13-11-01_NutshellReadMore.html . The other
> links that I sent were from the NYT (2009) about the 2009 paper in Nature,
> and the abstract of a scientific paper (2014) which contained a link to a
> PDF of the 2014 paper itself.
> In addition, here's a link to Nature's summary "An intergalactic race in
> space and time: A burst of γ-rays lets scientists test quantum theories of
> gravity", for the general public, of the 2009 paper:
> http://www.nature.com/news/2009/091028/full/news.2009.1044.html .
> Here's a link to the 2009 paper itself (requires payment) "A limit on the
> variation of the speed of light arising from quantum gravity effects"
> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7271/full/nature08574.html .
> Here is the abstract http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009Natur.462..331A :
> A cornerstone of Einstein’s special relativity is Lorentz invariance—the
> postulate that all observers measure exactly the same speed of light in
> vacuum, independent of photon-energy. While special relativity assumes that
> there is no fundamental length-scale associated with such invariance, there
> is a fundamental scale (the Planck scale, lPlanck ~1.62×10-33 cm or E
> Planck = MPlanck c2 ~1.22×1019 GeV), at which quantum effects are
> expected to strongly affect the nature of space-time. There is great
> interest in the (not yet validated) idea that Lorentz invariance might
> break near the Planck scale. A key test of such violation of Lorentz
> invariance is a possible variation of photon speed with energy. Even a tiny
> variation in photon speed, when accumulated over cosmological light-travel
> times, may be revealed by observing sharp features in γ-ray burst (GRB)
> light-curves. Here we report the detection of emission up to ~31GeV from
> the distant and short GRB090510. We find no evidence for the violation of
> Lorentz invariance, and place a lower limit of 1.2EPlanck on the scale of
> a linear energy dependence (or an inverse wavelength dependence), subject
> to reasonable assumptions about the emission (equivalently we have an upper
> limit of lPlanck /1.2 on the length scale of the effect). Our results
> disfavour quantum-gravity theories in which the quantum nature of
> space-time on a very small scale linearly alters the speed of light.
> [highlighting added]
> Best, Ben
> On 12/13/2016 9:29 AM, kirst...@saunalahti.fi wrote:
> If Wikipedia is taken as a scientific authority, then the situation is
> really bad.
> Kirsti
> Jerry LR Chandler kirjoitti 11.12.2016 22:36:
> Ben, List:
> On Dec 11, 2016, at 1:48 PM, Benjamin Udell <baud...@gmail.com>
> <baud...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> According to Wikipedia, the Planck length is, in principle, within a
> factor of 10, the shortest measurable length – and no
> theoretically known improvement in measurement instruments could
> change that. But some physicists have found that that's not quite as
> much of a barrier as it may seem to be.
>  Your post is unclear. I know of no mathematical nor physical nor
> chemical reason for such a conclusion about measurements of
> commensurabilities.
> Is the mathematics of electric field theory constrained by the
> physical principles that motivate this conclusion about this
> measurement of Planck’s constant?
> Perhaps others may be able to expand on the origin of this conjecture.
> But, from my perspective, it is merely another example of the problems
> of scientific epistemologies and Wikipedia’s style of informing
> public opinion.
> Historically, this issue has arise on this list serve with respect
> controversial Wikipedia articles that appear to be authored by a
> member of Peirce-L.
> Cheers
> Jerry
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