> On Jan 24, 2017, at 12:20 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> As Edwina and I have discussed ad nauseam in the past, I disagree with her 
> interpretation that there was no "metaphysical agent," that there was no 3ns 
> prior to 1ns and 2ns, and that mind emerged with matter such that neither is 
> primordial.  Peirce explicitly affirmed the Reality of God as Ens 
> necessarium, the priority of continuity (3ns) relative to spontaneity (1ns) 
> and reaction (2ns), and the primordiality of mind (psychical law) with 
> respect to matter (physical laws).  I have no desire to re-litigate that 
> dispute, I am just noting it for the record.

Just to note the difficulty in these discussions is distinguishing between 
logical analysis and temporal analysis. When one says “prior” one has to be 
clear in what sense one is speaking. 

Time is itself an organized something, having its law or regularity ; so that 
time itself is a part of the universe whose origin is to be considered. We have 
therefore to suppose a state of things before time was organized. Accordingly 
when we speak of the universe as ‘arising’ we do not mean that literally. We 
mean to speak of some kind of sequence, say an objective logical sequence; but 
we do not mean in speaking of the first stages of creation before time was 
organized, to use ‘before,’ after,’ arising,’ and such words in the temporal 
sense. (6.214)

In Proclus’ emanation theory there’s a triadic structure of ontological 
constitution (monos) which is a kind of surplus (often translated as 
plentitude). As it proceeds you get the second part of the triad which is 
proceeding (prodos). This in turn causes a kind of reversal via desire for that 
surplus (episterophe) which is the third element and is a kind of reversal. 
This reversal is very similar to how the latter Peirce sees the relationship of 
the interpretant to the object. The sign indicates the object by way of a hint 
and what is produced is ‘less’ in a certain sense than the object. This 
reversal then creates a process that attempts to correctly represent the origin 
that is a surplus of what is represented.

So you have pure unbounded potential turning into potential of this or that 
sort (6.220) which then is a kind of platonic form where the form is 
possibility. Secondness for Peirce results from a first flash it resembles and 
results from (CP 1.412) Then this process continues until “the events would 
have been bound together into something like a continuous flow.” This is 

The important thing to note though is that first this is the same process as 
Proclus discusses (although he’s likely not the originator of it) and that this 
is ‘before’ any sense of temporality.

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