Ben, List: 

> On Feb 2, 2017, at 4:23 PM, Benjamin Udell <> wrote:
>  It contains (in terms of the three-trichotomy system, and borrowing the 
> italicized terms from Liszka):
> 1. the second division from the _presentative_ trichotomy (sign's relation to 
> itself), 
> 2. the second division from the _representative_ trichotomy (sign to object), 
> and 
> 3. the second division from the _interpretative_ trichotomy (sign to 
> interpretant).
> (Borrowing from Liszka in "A Synopsis of A General Introduction to the 
> Semeiotic of Charles S. Peirce")
Thanks for bringing up Liszka’s novel perspective.  It is a clarification that 
I had found useful some years ago when the nature of CSP’s logic was mysterious 
to me.

In the language of the chemical symbol system of the early 21 st Century and 
its logical forms, the presentative, the representative and the interpretive 
aspects of inquiry all are necessary to construct the labelled bipartite graphs 
used to describe communication within the symbol system. Roughly speaking, 
today, we can express these concepts in strict logical forms - numbers and 

Of course, what is missing from this structuralist perspective is the 
spontaneous dynamics among the sinsigns. 



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