Dear list,

Here are selected passages from Moss that pertains to our current
conversation on virtuous interpretation and action.  Of late, I have begun
to stop using quotation marks because Google and *up to us* to find out.


Aristotle clearly takes himself to be in broad agreement with Plato in
identifying *logos* as what transforms a quasi- or proto-virtuous state
into genuine virtue.

Parallels between phronêsis and two other intellectual excellences in
Aristotle’s system:  technê (craft) and epistêmê (science).  The *EN*
characterizes all three as being “with logos,”..

..what transforms Platonic quasi-virtue into full virtue, and what
transforms both Platonic and Aristotelian inferior epistemic states like
experience into technê, epistêmê, or other forms of wisdom, is not a rule,
proportion, ratio, or form, nor is it Reason itself;   instead, it is a
particular kind of deliverance of Reason.

It is an *explanatory account* – an account of the *aitia*, cause or
explanation, that

underlies the facts available to the proto-virtuous, or to the layman.

*[Flattery] isn’t craft, but mere experience, because it has no logos of
the nature of whatever things it applies [or to what] it applies them, so
that it’s unable to state (eipein) the cause (aitia) of each thing.  And I
refuse to call anything without a logos (alogon) craft. (Gorg. 465a)*

*quid sit*..

Nothing is complete (*teleion*) which has no end (*telos*); and the end is
a limit.

Best wishes,
Jerry R

On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Jerry Rhee <> wrote:

> Dear list,
> Why Luke and not Matthew?.. Why not John?
> *"In the beginning was the **λόγος**". *
> *This is the very word used by the emperor: *
> *God acts, **συ**̀**ν* *λόγω**, with logos.*
> *I don't call a thing without logos** [**alogon**], a techne.*
> *quid sit deus*.. what would God be?
> *Blessed be the Lord God of Israel.. *
> *as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old..*
> Best for the New Year,
> Jerry R
> On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Wendy Wheeler <>
> wrote:
>> It’s okay, Helmut.
>> Happy New Year everyone.
>> Wendy
>> On 31 Dec 2017, at 18:23, Helmut Raulien <> wrote:
>> Jon,
>> Yes, Ive read that too: After the three wise men had left, an angel told
>> Mary and Joseph that Herod wants to kill the child, and they should flee to
>> Egypt, which they did. But the portray was "taken" in the barn, so they
>> were not on their way yet, so technically they were not refugees already,
>> only the next day or so. But maybe to portray them as refugees is justified
>> with the artist´s license to hop over this small time gap? I think, the
>> pope did not make the same mistake like me, but the journalist writing
>> about the pope did. Anyway, Wendy is right by saying they were not refugees
>> when the portray was "taken", and the sign becomes more complicated with
>> this aspect of artist´s license having to be included. Maybe it increases
>> the number of required pages to more than 20?
>> Happy new year,
>> Helmut
>> 31. Dezember 2017 um 18:32 Uhr
>> *Von:* "Jon Alan Schmidt" <>
>> Helmut, List:
>> There are two accounts of the Holy Family in the Bible.  Matthew includes
>> the flight to Egypt to escape Herod after the visit of the Magi, which is
>> presumably what the artist who portrayed them as refugees had in mind.
>> Luke omits that particular episode.
>> FYI, is a handy site for looking up Bible passages,
>> especially since it includes various English versions and numerous other
>> languages.
>> Regards,
>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>> <> -
>> On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Helmut Raulien <>
>> wrote:
>>> Uh! Ive looked it up, and apologize. I am embarassed, why did I answer
>>> before looking it up? Now I dont see the point in the nativity picture
>>> anymore, an agree with Gary not to talk about it anymore. Sorry again,
>>> Wendy, happy new year!
>>> Wendy,
>>> but Mary, knowing she was pregnant, could not know whether somebody she
>>> had told this might have told it to Herodes´ spies? I dont know, maybe you
>>> are right, I just have to trust somebody about this, and please forgive me,
>>> I (at the time, hypothetically) rather trust the pope than you. I have not
>>> looked the matter up in the bible, though.
>>> Best,
>>> Helmut
>>> 30. Dezember 2017 um 21:35 Uhr
>>> *Von:* "Wendy Wheeler" <>
>>> Helmut,
>>> The reason they travelled was as I’ve stated - as given in the gospel of
>>> Luke. Had they stayed at home, there would have been no slaying of the
>>> first born by Herod since the latter, according to Matthew, heard of the
>>> birth in Bethlehem from the three wise men who came to witness it.
>>> I’m not concerned with the Pope’s comparison.
>>> Wendy
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 30 Dec 2017, at 20:09, Helmut Raulien <> wrote:
>>> Wendy,
>>> if they had stayed home, they would have had their first born slain. If
>>> this does not make them refugees, discuss it with the pope, who also
>>> compared them with the contemporary refugees.
>>> Best,
>>> Helmut
>>> 30. Dezember 2017 um 20:57 Uhr
>>> *Von:* "Wendy Wheeler" <>
>>> Dear Helmut (and list),
>>> I’ve come to this discussion both late and rather incompletely. I
>>> haven’t read every contribution closely. Can I point out, though, and in
>>> case nobody else has, that the Holy Family were not refugees. They were
>>> travelling to Joseph’s birthplace in obedience to the requirements of the
>>> Roman census. They returned home afterwards. The Trondheim Nativity scene
>>> under discussion here thus looks like an iconic sign used to mislead.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Wendy Wheeler
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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