> On Jul 5, 2018, at 4:18 PM, g...@gnusystems.ca wrote:
> Jerry,
> It seems you were only able to find one quote from Peirce on the subject; 
> here are a few more.
Gary: You are correct. I am not a CSP scholar so no further search was made.  
Indeed, as my work on the logic of life progresses,… .
> [[ It seems to me, then, that appeals to language can serve no other purpose 
> than as most inadequate and deceptive evidence of psychological necessities 
> or tendencies; and these psychological necessities and tendencies, after they 
> are ascertained, are utterly useless for the investigation of logical 
> questions. ] CP 2.70, 1902]
This quote seems very very strange from an historical perspective.
Can anyone defend it today?


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