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On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 9:45 PM Jerry LR Chandler <> wrote:

> Joe, List:
> On Mar 21, 2019, at 6:43 PM, joseph simpson <> wrote:
> John Sowa's statements were given in the context of 'proposition analysis.'
> From the "Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics," page 5:
> "logically equivalent propositions: compound propositions that involve the
> same variables and have the same truth table."
> Now that wasn't too bad, was it?
> Simply indigestible!  :-)
> Firstly, may I ask if the citation from the handbook was referring to
> “continuous predicates”?
> (Frankly, I have participated in two graduate level classes in
> Combinatorics, seeking to understand the relationships between atomic
> numbers and molecular numbers, as well as several years of seminars. I have
> never seen the notion of “continuous predicate” used in combinatorial texts
> or discussed in seminars.)
> Are you aware of anyone every using this notion in mathematics?
> Secondly, does this statement mean anything beyond the simple fact that
> "if two truth tables are identical in all respects, then they are
> logically equivalent.”
> Thirdly, thank you pointing out the distinction.  In certain cases, it is
> a very important distinction.
> Finally, Joe, the paper you referenced in your post is very novel.  I like
> the style. From a CSP perspective, it may be the most important application
> of triadicity I have seen.  I will read more as time permits, faintly
> optimistic that a path to chemical applications is conceivable.  Clearly,
> the potential applications of this approach to AI and cybernetics appear to
> me to be huge, realizing that potential could generate substantial
> recognition.  Best wishes for its future developments.
> Comments? Questions?
> Cheers
> Jerry

Joe Simpson
“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people
attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends
on unreasonable people.”
George Bernard Shaw
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