Gary R,

First of all, no offence taken.

This is a nice example of a intentional and a effectual representant standing 
asunder. I did not write 'nasty webmail' in response to the content of your 
mail. Always nice to see a native writer toying around with words. Jon Awbry is 
a master at it. I did write it because I was fed up with my webmail that has an 
inclination to pick a mailadres that is not recognized by the list. The mail 
you responded to on list was not send to the list, so listers might be 
surprised. And when I replied on your mail, again the adress went wrong the 
first time. 



> Op 3 mei 2020 om 22:38 schreef Gary Richmond <>:
>     Auke,
>     I apologize for appearing to be 'nasty' in my recent post addressed to 
> you. I didn't mean to be while, admittedly, meaning to "pull your leg" a bit 
> as the English idiom would have it. I should have learned long ago that it's 
> near impossible to get humor across in an email and clearly my smiley face 
> didn't do it for you. 
>     In truth, I haven't had Dutch beer since I visited my Dutch friend, Aldo, 
> in Tilburg many years ago (I'm not much of a beer drinker) when we went to a 
> monastery where the monks make beer. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and the 
> beer! Another Dutch friend, Merel, who lives in Gouda has brought me tasty 
> samples not only of the cheese famously named after her town, but also 
> delicious chocolates as well. I must admit that the very best chocolate I've 
> had was hand made in small amounts in a town near Brussels, but for the most 
> part I couldn't tell Belgian from Dutch chocolate if you paid me! As for 
> pommes de terre, I like both the Belgian and the Dutch varieties. I should 
> note parenthetically that one of my very favorite spirits is Genever which I 
> was introduced to in Holland and, btw, the Belgian variety doesn't come close.
>     I see that I should have stuck to my original thought for a concluding 
> paragraph. Still meaning to have some fun with the chocolate idea, I was 
> going to make the thought experiment of deciding to paint my den. I go to my 
> local paint store and the proprietor asks, "What color are you planning to 
> paint your den?" I say definitively, "Chocolate!" He brings out a swatch of 
> color and says, "OK here's our most popular chocolate paint; what do you 
> think?" I say, "Well I think it's rather too light" at which point he laughs 
> and says, "Ah, so I take it that you prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate."
>     In any event, I certainly didn't mean to offend. I love Holland, have 
> several beloved Dutch friends there, enjoy the cozy bars in Amsterdam, eating 
> delicious Dutch food in outdoor restaurants, especially those in the center 
> of Tilburg, and you can be certain that when in Holland I top off many a 
> night clinking glasses of Genever and toasting "Proost!"
>     Well, I'm disappointed that I didn't win the chocolate. But perhaps I can 
> keep trying? 
>     Again, take this message to be a heartfelt apology as I never meant to 
> offend, just to play a little game that, sadly, went bad.
>     Best,
>     Gary
>     "Time is not a renewable resource." gnox
>     Gary Richmond
>     Philosophy and Critical Thinking
>     Communication Studies
>     LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
>     On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 7:41 AM Auke van Breemen < 
> > wrote:
>         > > 
> >         Nasty webmail.
> > 
> >         Gary R,
> > 
> >         With that you do not earn the box. It are not my heat lightnings 
> > (see below the Hausman quote) you utilized.
> > 
> >         The qualisign aspect is a medad or collection of medads brought 
> > together by the mind in the pure icon, the icon being not caused by the 
> > medads themselves, but by our habits of interpretation.  
> > 
> >         For some fine remarks: Charles S. Peirce's Evolutionary Philosophy 
> > By Carl R. Hausman
> > 
> >         p. 122  
> > 
> >         "What then is the relevance of the idea of a medad for the 
> > categories? Specifically what is its relevance for explaining firstness? 
> > This point depends on the idea that a medad may be thought of as a charge 
> > that is unattachable to any atom or any particle. Such a charge, as Peirce 
> > suggests in his figurative description, would be like a heat charge that 
> > has no effect. etc.."
> > 
> >         The quality is monadic, involving qualisigns, involving quale:
> > 
> >         i) A Rhematic [3.1] Iconic [2.1] Qualisign [1.1] (e.g., a feeling 
> > of \red") is any
> >         quality in so far as it is a sign. Since a quality is whatever it 
> > is positively in itself, a
> >         quality can only denote an object by virtue of some common 
> > ingredient or similarity;
> >         so that a Qualisign is necessarily an Icon. Further, since a 
> > quality is a mere logical
> >         possibility, it can only be interpreted as a sign of essence, that 
> > is, as a Rheme
> > 
> >         ii) A Rhematic [3.1] Iconic [2.1] Sinsign [1.2] (e.g., an 
> > individual diagram) is any
> >         object of experience in so far as some quality of it makes it 
> > determine the idea of an
> >         object. Being an Icon, and thus a sign by likeness purely of 
> > whatever it may be like,
> >         it can only be interpreted as a sign of essence, or Rheme. It will 
> > embody a Qualisign.
> > 
> >         Taken from CP. 2.254-2.263.
> > 
> >         -
> > 
> >         You cannot utilize the heat charges that were the occasion for my 
> > experience of green on a specific occasion. For an early take on the medad:
> > 
> >         [...] the immediate (and therefore in itself insusceptible of 
> > mediation
> >         -the Unanalyzable, the Inexplicable, the Unintellectual ) runs in a
> >         continuous stream through our lives. W. II, p. 227 (1868)
> > 
> >         Best, Auke
> > 
> > 
> >         Op 3 mei 2020 om 12:31 schreef Gary Richmond 
> > < >: Auke, list,
> > 
> > 
> >         What is funny -- in the sense not of your 'hilarious', but of my 
> > 'strange' -- is that well over a decade ago on this list I used the same 
> > example, an " im[p]ression of green the moment I look at the trees out of 
> > my window," (well, in truth, my impression(s) occurred as one late Spring 
> > afternoon I lay on my back in a bed of silky soft grass and moss and 
> > staring up at tree branches -- their leaves in particular -- at a scenic 
> > spot on top of one of the foothills of the Catskill Mountains of New York 
> > overlooking the Tappan Zee where the Hudson River becomes as expansive as a 
> > 10 mile wide lake).
> > 
> >         Rather intent on musing a bit, or even doing some phenomenology, I 
> > looked up at the canopy where the rapidly passing clouds made the myriad 
> > leaves look to be various shades of green, such as olive, lime, emerald, 
> > even sage (which is almost gray), as well as deep yellow, a kind of brown 
> > and even a dark purple nearing black. I thought (very short moments later) 
> > something like "those considerable variations in color are both the 
> > consequence of the play of light and clouds and sky and tree leaves in 
> > nature 'outside' of me and simultaneously affecting me with 'internal' 
> > color impressions" -- again none of those hues and shades were named then, 
> > that is, when or as experienced, but only in retrospect-- a kind of 
> > double-sided nature, both 'there' in 'external' nature as well as within my 
> > 'internal' experience of that nature. 
> > 
> >         But note: there were only those, perhaps hundreds or even 
> > thousands, of possible (1ns) variations of color -- but, for example, no 
> > blues or pinks whatsoever. I later thought that just those hues and shades 
> > (or at least a, perhaps, rather large range of them) were possible for me  
> > ( no possibility of, say, cerulean blue -- the color of a clear sky itself 
> > -- no cerulean leaves!) nor perhaps for any person with a normal color 
> > sense (i.e. not color blind, etc.) who might be looking up from such a spot.
> > 
> >         I love dark chocolate (which, of course, also is never cerulean 
> > (not even such a deep, dark blue as cobalt blue), but prefer Belgian rather 
> > than Dutch bars of it, if you please, as I find the flavor of most fine 
> > Belgian chocolate somewhat subtler than the Dutch variety (same with beer 
> > and French fries and mayonnaise). :-) 
> > 
> >         Best,
> > 
> >         Gary
> > 
> >             * 
> > 
> >         "Time is not a renewable resource." gnox
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >         Gary Richmond
> >         Philosophy and Critical Thinking
> >         Communication Studies
> >         LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >         On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 4:29 AM Auke van Breemen < 
> > > wrote:
> > 
> >         Gary R,
> > 
> >         Don't miss the distinction between qualities like 'hard' and the 
> > qualisigns. If you do the discussion becomes hilarious indeed.
> > 
> >         You earn a box of bars of dark chocolate if you are able to scratch 
> > anything with the qualities involved in my  imression of green the moment I 
> > look at the trees out of my window.
> > 
> >         best, Auke
> > 
> > 
> >         Op 3 mei 2020 om 4:14 schreef Gary Richmond < 
> > >:
> > 
> >         Jon Alan Schmidt concluded:
> > 
> >         We have to distinguish the quality  in itself  as a real 
> > possibility (1ns) from both its inherence in something that exists (2ns) 
> > and our physical sensation of it (also 2ns), as well as our perceptual 
> > judgments about it (3ns) and any subsequent reasoning about it (also 3ns).
> > 
> >         From my point of view this is pretty basic trichotomic stuff. 
> > 
> >         The quality, 'hard', can possibly (1ns) appear in many disparate 
> > things (2ns) such as diamonds, hammers, and rocks, while my physical 
> > sensation (2ns), the result of, say, having a rock thrown at and hitting my 
> > head may result is such perceptual judgments (3ns) as "ouch!" at the 
> > experience of pain, and such "subsequent reasoning about it" such as, "what 
> > direction did that rock come from?" and "who the heck threw that rock at 
> > me?" 
> > 
> >         Best,
> > 
> >         Gary 
> > 
> >         "Time is not a renewable resource."  gnox
> > 
> >         Gary Richmond
> >         Philosophy and Critical Thinking
> >         Communication Studies
> >         LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >         On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 9:29 PM Jon Alan Schmidt < 
> > > wrote:
> >         John, Auke, List:
> > 
> >         I agree that the conclusions of semeiotic are "eminently fallible," 
> > as Peirce himself described them.   That is why we are not locked into 
> > treating his speculative grammar as rigid dogma but are free to make 
> > adjustments that we deem appropriate in accordance with the results of our 
> > own investigations.  We simply need to be clear about those deviations and 
> > acknowledge that they are deviations, which is what I have tried to do.   
> > By the way, according to Peirce, the conclusions of every science are 
> > fallible--including mathematics and formal/mathematical logic.
> > 
> >         CSP:  Theoretically, I grant you, there is no possibility of error 
> > in necessary reasoning. But to speak thus "theoretically," is to use 
> > language in a Pickwickian sense. In practice and in fact, mathematics is 
> > not exempt from that liability to error that affects everything that man 
> > does. Strictly speaking, it is not certain that twice two is four. (CP 
> > 5.577, EP 2:44, 1898)
> > 
> >         I disagree that my analytical approach is "detached from reality" 
> > merely because it is "strictly formal."  I recognize that it relies on 
> > abstraction, but that is true of any purportedly factual proposition that 
> > anyone ever composes.  The object of every proposition is "the all of 
> > reality," while its interpretant is "an abstract constituent part of 
> > reality" and "a prescissively abstract state of things" (CP 5.549, EP 
> > 2:378, 1906).  Its parts are its predicate and its subjects, likewise 
> > "creations of thought"--prescissive and hypostatic abstractions, 
> > respectively--derived from our experience as it is "forced upon us in the 
> > form of a flow of images," which in itself "has no parts, least of all 
> > predicates" (NEM 3:917, 1904).  Again, the minimum of real semeiosis is a 
> > continuous argument.
> > 
> >         I also disagree that qualities "can be looked at as nerve firings 
> > or agitations," because the latter are quite clearly reactions instead.  We 
> > have to distinguish the quality in itself as a real possibility (1ns) from 
> > both its inherence in something that exists (2ns) and our physical 
> > sensation of it (also 2ns), as well as our perceptual judgments about it 
> > (3ns) and any subsequent reasoning about it (also 3ns).
> > 
> >         Regards,
> > 
> >         Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> >         Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran 
> > Layman
> >         -
> > 
> >         On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 11:15 AM < 
> > > wrote:
> > 
> >         John, Edwina, list,
> > 
> >         looking at the subject line:
> > 
> >         I did introduce the nonagons in my reply to Jon Alan because I 
> > think that besides discussing theory with the help of examples, in order to 
> > stay grounded, it is needed to look from what perspective and with what 
> > interest we discuss the terminology and the measure in which what we state 
> > is compatible with Peirce's text. A main devide being an object orientation 
> > or a process interpretation of semiotics, both have their value. But there 
> > also are more subtle ones.
> > 
> >         Let me take my discussion with Jon Alan as an example. He is not 
> > wrong in my opinion, but has a very broad scope, in the sense that he is 
> > not interested in the meaning issue (semantical dimension) and the 
> > effectiviness issue (pragmatical dimension). It can be illustrated by an 
> > example.
> > 
> >         JAS to GF: I agree, but as I stated, "My purpose is to analyze the 
> > process of semeiosis in general"; i.e., the aspects of semeiosis that are 
> > operative in every context. 
> > 
> >         While a student I read, in a psycholingistics journal, some 
> > recordings of and discussions about schizophrenics conversating. It was 
> > impossible to make sense of the conversation, but they adhered to the 
> > speaking conventions and constructed their sentences as correctly as in 
> > 'normal' conversations. It seemed to me that they conversed without a 
> > common goal and a goal that, individually, might shift for each new 
> > sentence they met with. Jon Alan, so it seems to me, restricts himself to 
> > that kind of 'anything goes as long as it adhers to the most basic rules' 
> > kind of approach. It is detached from reality, strictly formal and devoid 
> > of interaction. But not 'wrong' in its domain.And indeed, it make sense to 
> > only distinguish three interpretants.
> > 
> >         Jon Alan's denial of qualisigns, and personal choice to talk about 
> > tones instead, is of theoretical interest because it sheds light on the 
> > point at which we may differentiate between a totally context free 
> > semiotics and a "the proces of semiosis" covering semiotics (process 
> > implying a goal and context).  Qualities, that can be looked at as nerve 
> > firings or agitations, that run unintellectual in a continuous stream 
> > through our sheets. Collections  (pure icon) of firings (sinsigns)  may 
> > have a familiar pattern (legisign). If one leaves out the qualisigns, one 
> > is context free. One could wonder whether semiotically speaking a 
> > characteristic of schizophrenics is, that their ability to sort out the 
> > collections of qualities got meddled, only the context free rules count. 
> > 
> >         Comming back to the orientations in semiotic analyzis: object ( a 
> > kind of secondness, Claudio and I would suggest your graph work, but in 
> > different ways), process (a kind of thirdness orientation, Gary F, Edwina 
> > and I), distinction. Jon Alan can be understood to work looking at the sign 
> > only (firstness orientation). Note that each approach is needed, and of 
> > course, each approach is represented by a lot of other persons in a variety 
> > of shades.
> > 
> >         It is almost tempting to try to collectively make a nonagon with 
> > semiotics in the center by asking listers to score their primary focus. And 
> > to provide their reasons. In an extended version it could be asked to score 
> > others, and provide reasons. I would class Claudio and John bot in the 
> > object range in the symbol field, in the shade iconic symbol. But Claudio 
> > more at the iconic side and John more at the symbolic side. Why, one could 
> > ask? 
> > 
> >         I keep it at this, a rhematic adress of the reader that the above 
> > alinea is intended to have.
> > 
> >         The main problem of peircean semiotics is that it didn't grow into 
> > a research program in the sense of Lakatos. That is because the different 
> > proponents of the different viewpoints didn't succeed in finding common 
> > ground.  
> > 
> >         Auke
> > 
> >         Op 2 mei 2020 om 16:37 schreef "John F. Sowa" < 
> > >:
> > 
> > 
> >         Edwina, Gary F, Jon AS,
> > 
> >         ET> My question about 'pure theorizing' so to speak, also arises 
> > from the quote  below:
> > 
> >         "Now the whole process of development among the community of 
> > students of those formulations by abstractive observation and reasoning of 
> > the truths which must hold good of all signs used by a scientific 
> > intelligence is an observational science, like any other positive science, 
> > notwithstanding its strong contrast to all the special sciences which 
> > arises from its aiming to find out what must be and not merely what is in 
> > the actual world. (CP 2.227, c. 1897; my emphasis]
> > 
> >         Yes.  Every science, including semeiotic, must begin with 
> > observational data.  That is why I have insisted on examples.  Without 
> > data, it's impossible to discover, test, evaluate, or even discuss any 
> > scientific claims.
> > 
> >         ET>  After all - since mankind's emergence- we have had multiple 
> > theories about our reality - most of which have a logical basis, are 
> > reasonably coherent and yet - have no capacity other than their own 
> > insistence and our acceptance - to move out of a pure Argument and into the 
> > real world of Secondness and explain what is going on in this real world.
> > 
> >         Yes. For Peirce, semeiotic is a fallible science.  It *aims* to 
> > find out what must be.  But as we can see from physics -- the most advanced 
> > of all the special sciences -- every theory that has been proposed is 
> > eventually shown to be limited to the kinds of observations on which is has 
> > been tested.
> > 
> >         ET> many different research disciplines are exploring this real 
> > world - and their vocabulary differs - even though they are talking about 
> > the same processes! Therefore - I think that the Peircean world should not 
> > reject the research of other disciplines merely because the terms are 
> > different. The analysis is dealing with the very same processes - and it 
> > can be shown that the logical and pragmatic infrastructure of the Peircean 
> > framework is similar to that of these other disciplines.
> > 
> >         In his 1903 classification, Peirce made room for those sciences.   
> > He admitted that he had not done much work in many of them, but he did not 
> > say that their work or terminology was unworthy of being considered a 
> > science.
> > 
> >         GF> I simply find myself unable to come up with an individual 
> > experience that could be referred to as a “sign token” and has no context. 
> > Every example of a sign that I can remember or imagine experiencing has 
> > some kind of context which limits the kind of interpretant(s) it can 
> > generate.
> > 
> >         Yes.  Science begins with data and is tested on data.   The best 
> > theories are true of a wider context than the examples from which they were 
> > derived.  But it's not possible to make claims beyond the range that has 
> > been tested.
> > 
> >         GF>:  First, in the real world there is no disembodied mind and no 
> > disembodied semiosis. Hence there is no context-free semiosis.
> > 
> >         Yes.
> > 
> >         John
> > 
> > 
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> > 
> >          
> > 
> > 
> >          
> > 
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