
In every example and application that Peirce wrote or cited, Thirdness involves 
intentionality.  But intentionality is not an anthropomorphic notion, it is 
biomorphic in the most fundamental sense.

Lynn Margulis wrote that a bacterium swimming upstream in a glucose gradient is 
a primitive example of intentionality, and no non-living physical system shows 
any kind of intentionality,  I believe that Peirce would agree, since he cited 
dogs, parrots, bees, and even plants at various times.

And by the way, viruses don't have intentions, since they're not alive.   They 
are signs that are interpreted by living things to produce more signs of the 
same kind.


From: "Mike Bergman" <m...@mkbergman.com>

Hi Edwina, Helmut, List,
I would like to hear you expand, Edwina, on what you mean about the 
'idexicality of locality'. And, speaking of entropy, here is another possible 
link to the universal categories.
flash (of light) [1ns] - energy [2ns] - information [3ns]
I've been toying with this thought for quite a few years. Peirce's cosmogony 
begins with a flash (significantly a reference to light). I don't know if 
'flash' is the right analog in Firstness, since both quantum mechanics and the 
nature of energy can arguably be better traced to the ideas of harmonic 
oscillators. Still, there is something pregnant in that nexus . . . .
For decades there has been confusion and controversy about entropy in the sense 
of thermodynamics and its relation to Shannon (information) entropy. It strikes 
me that recasting these in terms of Peircean Secondness (energy) and Thirdness 
(information) brings sense to the conundrum. Both apply; it is more a matter of 
contextual interpretation.
What say the list?
Best, Mike
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
https://cspeirce.com  and, just as well, at 
https://www.cspeirce.com .  It'll take a while to repair / update all the links!
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