
I agree with Mike. Thirdness, in my view, does not imply or require 
intentionality. That, after all, suggests some kind of consciousness - and I 
think we find Thirdness in chemical and physical matter - and these forms of 
matter do not include consciousness.

I have a problem with the quote of “Continuity presents 3ns almost to 
perfection’ 1.337. I think that the rules of Thirdness CAN and must be, for a 
certain period of time, ‘continuous and stable.After all- we cannot live iin a 
world where a cat suddenly transforms into a dog.  BUT, since thirdness also 
includes 2ns and 1ns, then, it contains within itself, the ability to interact 
with other units of matter - as well as chance - and thus, has the capacity to 
accept more data and thus, change these ‘continuous rules’ and so, adapt and 

Again - I consider that Peircean ‘continuity’ is not 3ns but is the continuous 
morphological semiosis formation of energy-into-matter - which is ongoing [ or 
else, as has been pointed out, entropy sneaks in]….


> On Feb 12, 2024, at 5:19 PM, Mike Bergman <> wrote:
> Hi John,
> I categorically disagree. Intentionality may be an example of Thirdness, but 
> is not definitive of it. JAS just posted "Continuity represents 3ns almost to 
> perfection" (CP 1.337, c. 1882), which I concur best captures (with Mind) 
> Peirce's prominent view of Thirdness, and contintuity does not require 
> intentionality. You might even diagram it out.
> And don't forget crystals (and atoms).
> Best, Mike
> On 2/12/2024 3:59 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
>> Mike,
>> In every example and application that Peirce wrote or cited, Thirdness 
>> involves intentionality.  But intentionality is not an anthropomorphic 
>> notion, it is biomorphic in the most fundamental sense.
>> Lynn Margulis wrote that a bacterium swimming upstream in a glucose gradient 
>> is a primitive example of intentionality, and no non-living physical system 
>> shows any kind of intentionality,  I believe that Peirce would agree, since 
>> he cited dogs, parrots, bees, and even plants at various times.
>> And by the way, viruses don't have intentions, since they're not alive.   
>> They are signs that are interpreted by living things to produce more signs 
>> of the same kind.
>> John
>> From: "Mike Bergman" <> <>
>> Hi Edwina, Helmut, List,
>> I would like to hear you expand, Edwina, on what you mean about the 
>> 'idexicality of locality'. And, speaking of entropy, here is another 
>> possible link to the universal categories.
>> flash (of light) [1ns] - energy [2ns] - information [3ns]
>> I've been toying with this thought for quite a few years. Peirce's cosmogony 
>> begins with a flash (significantly a reference to light). I don't know if 
>> 'flash' is the right analog in Firstness, since both quantum mechanics and 
>> the nature of energy can arguably be better traced to the ideas of harmonic 
>> oscillators. Still, there is something pregnant in that nexus . . . .
>> For decades there has been confusion and controversy about entropy in the 
>> sense of thermodynamics and its relation to Shannon (information) entropy. 
>> It strikes me that recasting these in terms of Peircean Secondness (energy) 
>> and Thirdness (information) brings sense to the conundrum. Both apply; it is 
>> more a matter of contextual interpretation.
>> What say the list?
>> Thanks!
>> Best, Mike
> -- 
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