
On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 04:28:56PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> Thanks for the updates, Thomas.  And now on with the complaining!


> >- has_example
> >  An optional metric that checks if the author included a dir called
> >  'eg|ex|example(s?)' which in turn includes at least on *.pl
> IMO examples in an example directory are a detriment, not a bonus.

The one advantage of dedicated examples for me is that I can take that
example file (mostly downloaded from search.cpan.org), run it, modifiy
it, run it etc.

This hardly works with code embedded in the docs, as this code tends to
be overly verbose (eg no 'use strict' etc).

In fact I was only made aware of 'examples' during the discussion here a
while ago. I used examples several times since, as a first step to get
used to a distribution.

So I think they are valuable.
> Examples go in the installed docs or they are lost.

The docs could state that there are some ready-to-run examples in that
dir in the distribution.

> Additionally, if you're going to keep this thing around, restricting the 
> examples to .pl files penalizes HTML (Mason or other templating system), 
> POD and module examples. [1]  It would be best to just say that the 
> directory contains something.

You're right (and several other people that suggested that). I'll change
it in the next run.

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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