On 9/27/07, Graham TerMarsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok... THATS a useful answer. :)
> So... if I set up my Makefile.PL to check for the presence of any modules that
> I require for configuration (e.g. "Apache::Test") and then simply "exit
> 0" -before- the Makefile is written, it'll abort the build/test and -NOT-
> record a failure?  -=SCHWEEET=-  That's what I'm looking for.

And, sadly, I was wrong.  :-(

CPAN doesn't FAIL during the PL stage, but continues into the "make"
stage and then it becomes a FAIL when the Makefile can't be found.
But I committed a patch to the CPAN source this morning to fix this
bug and have things just stop after the PL stage if no Makefile was

I'm hoping Andreas can put out a new release quickly and I'll use that
as the prereq for CPAN::Reporter 1.00 (also coming soon).  Over time,
as CPAN::Reporter installations are upgraded, that should provide one
solution to this sort of problem -- at least for CPAN based testing.
(Still don't know about CPANPLUS.)

> It'll also mean that automated test reporters like CPANPLUS will stop
> filing "failure" reports when its really the test environment that's lacking.

CPANPLUS is a totally separate distribution that does its own test
reporting.  The most common smoker engines use it.

  I just uploaded CPAN::Test::Dummy::Perl5::Make::PLExit to see what
the smokers say.  I got some immediate FAILs from Andreas'
CPAN/CPAN::Reporter smoker which is what tipped me off to the bug.  I
haven't seen any FAIL reports yet from CPANPLUS based smokers.  There
usually are reports within 24-48 hours, so we'll see by the weekend if
CPANPLUS does the right thing.

> So... would anyone care to fill me in on why we don't have CPAN(PLUS) et al.
> re-running "perl Makefile.PL" after dependencies are installed?  I'm thinking
> it might cause problems for users who are installing packages that prompt
> them for input during that run, but also think that it'd be useful for cases
> like this where Makefile.PL has to change its configuration based on whether
> or not the dependencies are installed.

There's a new META.yml field under development called
"configure_requires" to account for that case.  The latest CPAN.pm
supports it.  Again, I don't know about CPANPLUS.


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