David Landgren wrote:
Finance::FuturesQuote scrapes information from a web site that offers (I would imagine) futures quotes.

The author of this module has received a cease-and-desist letter from the owner of the web site, since the module is in violation of the Terms of Use.

I'm guessing, since the website's owner sent a c&d, that this is information that's available without having to log in or solve a captcha. That would give the site's "Terms of Use" about as much legal standing as those disclaimers of windshield damage liability on the back of dump trucks. I'd be surprised if the module's author were to actually be sued over this (although stranger things have happened), especially since the author no longer has control over the module.

Of course, I can't impose my own risk tolerance on anyone else, but I doubt I'd be willing to go through this many hoops for a cease and desist with no legal basis.

Disclaimer - I'm not a lawyer, just a guy who's had to talk to way too many of them.

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