I just committed a couple of small changes:

- GUI.h added GET_X_LPARAM and GET_Y_LPARAM macros (from windowsX.h)
- GUI_MessageLoops.cpp change WM_MOUSEMOVE handler to use GET_X_LPARAM and GET_Y_LPARAM rather than HIWORD and LOWORD (Tracker: 1262098) - GUI.xs fixed UnHook() to resolve perl 5.6/5.8 differences in av_delete, causing a warning in perl 5.8 (Tracker: 1164766)

I may revisit the fix to UnHook() depending on responses to my earlier post on support for perl versions prior to 5.6.

I haven't tried building under mingw yet, but they seem fine with VC++.

I am also going to look at creating a new mailing list (send only), whose sole purpose will be to send out messages automatically when a commit is made.


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