: >   method INIT ($fooval, $barval)
: >   {
: >     $.foo = $fooval;
: >     $.bar = $barval;
: >   }
: (sorry, couldn't help fixing the braces... ;)

I don't really care where you put the initial brace, as long as you
outdent the closing brace.  My personal brace style does

    foo {

when foo is short enough to fit on one line, but


if bar is going to be be split over multiple lines.  So even I would
put the bracket on its own line for this:

    method INIT (Dog $fooval is bowwow(3) woof(2) wag(1,2,3),
                 Cat $barval is ack(0.5) pfft(9) )
        $.foo = $fooval;
        $.bar = $barval;

On the other hand, I save a lot of relatively useless whitespace by not
doing that consistently.  Of course, if I was paid by the line...


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