>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> Uri asked:

  DC> method INIT ( $fooval, $barval) {
  >> where is the binding from the keys below to the INIT params? surely (and
  >> yes, i am calling you shirley) you don't mean that 'bar' is converted or
  >> mapped to $barval? i recall somewhere that there would be a mapping of
  >> 'bar's value that can be used or referenced by the INIT method.
  DC> my $demo = Demo->new(bar=>'sheep', foo=>'fighter');

  DC> My bad. Should of course have been:

  DC>                my $demo = Demo->new(barval=>'sheep', fooval=>'fighter');

that clears it up. so the key/value named params get converted to scalar
args in INIT with the same name. is this in any of the current exegeses?
or will sub calls be covered in the apocalyptic future?


Uri Guttman  ---------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
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