PHP is especially used in web pages. Would there be any advantage to have a
PHP->Parrot compiler?

LUA seems to be a very nice language, but how is this language to be used?
Is it in combination with a C program one would write? Or could it be used
as a stand alone application? In that case, it seems to me it would be
interesting to have a LUA->Parrot (with IMCC in between) compiler.

Klaas-Jan Stol

----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Wistow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Compiling to Parrot

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 09:17:56AM +0100, K Stol said:
> > A few weeks ago I posted something about a Tcl->parrot compiler, but
Will Coleda already was working on such a project. It would be a as a final
project for my bachelor's. But because such already exists, I'm looking for
something else.
> > I think parrot is a cool target for compiling, and I'd like to do some
sort of a compiler project. However, I don't know which language to compile.
My knowledge is basic, so any OO language would take too much time.
> > Has anybody any suggestions for me? (maybe modula2?)
> PHP?
> Similar enough to Perl to make it interesting, nice clean design and an
> available grammar. People have already done some work IIRC.
> Lua?
> Similar-ish to TCL and liked by the games industry. It is procedural but
> provides meta mechanisms for implementing classes and inheritance.
> Speaking of games, it would be interesting to see Parrot be used in that
> direction. A lot of games currently are pretty much developed along the
> lines of 'custom scripting language interfaced to custom game engine'
> # game scripting in Python
> # Postmortem of Jak and Daxter which was scripted in Lisp
> Parrot seems to be ideal for this, especially since you could easily
> have seperate scripting languages for, say, the world logic and the AI
> for NPCs, both of which could compile to Parrot and interact with each
> other.
> Simon
> --
> I'm full of borrowed ideas that I have no intention of returning

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