If memory serves me right, Leon Brocard wrote:
> An interesting project to do would be to do a Java->Parrot compiler.

Hmm... I think with the current Parrot setup that might be a bit difficult.
We need object instructions for that , also I need to be able to define
classes,interfaces and all the Java thingys there ...

> Basing it on an existing Java compiler such as Jikes is probably the
> best way to do this:

Yikes ! (in a thick foreign accent)...

My bachelor's project is a Java compiler for DotGNU ... and I had a look
over of Jikes (and Kjc) for retargetting ... Eventhough I was planning on
building a stack bytecode , I found it quite something to hack on...
(in short, my attempts broke it...)

Kjc is a bit more decent though it's quite OO and might take some redesign
to pass back the result register (instead of "assuming" that the value is
in the stack top) ...

I've decided to base it on the Portable.net codegen... (I've got it into 
parsing now...)  ... This is a Java -> IL compiler from Java source ...

But once the C# -> Parrot compiler works , you might even have a Java -> 
Parrot compiler ... (because I'm re-using almost all the C# AST nodes
for my compiler, the PMCodegen should generate correct Parrot as well).

Hopefully all this will work out for me... :)

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

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