On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:14:29PM +0100, K Stol said:
> PHP is especially used in web pages. Would there be any advantage to have a
> PHP->Parrot compiler?

Depends what you mean by 'advantage'. 

Currently, as far as I know, PHP runs on a virtual machine, just like
Perl so it's a good candidate for porting. It is also relatively feature
comparable whilst being easier to parse.

Doing a PHP->Parrot compiler would have these advantages :

* demonstrate your understanding of a inplementing the
  compiler for a featureful language
* allow interaction between Perl6 and PHP scripts/modules
* tap into the PHP community's tuits whcih would mean Parrot'd be likely
  to get stuff like the Zend optimiser and a generic mod_* backend so
  that all languages implemented on top of Parrot would have a
  mod_(php/perl) Apache hook automagically.
* really push Parrot with a real-world, non toy language.

> LUA seems to be a very nice language, but how is this language to be used?
> Is it in combination with a C program one would write? Or could it be used
> as a stand alone application? In that case, it seems to me it would be
> interesting to have a LUA->Parrot (with IMCC in between) compiler.

As I said, I only know it from a games context where it's used as the
basis for the scripting engine. AIUI it can be used a a standalone
language as well.

>From what I know it's specifically designed to be a portable, fast,
lightweight platform for extending platforms and providing a framework
for implementing domain specific languages.

So, basically, a perfect fit for Parrot.

In fact, if you take 

and s/Lua/Parrot/ it still makes sense :)


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