Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Harry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone tell me if there is an error in the code below.

The code is fine.

it repeatedly from the command line it sometimes freezes ie it prints
the contents of the array and then just stops and I need to do a CTRL-C
to get back to the command line.

Your are sure that there is no hardware problem? Run memcheck for a
couple of hours for example.

I managed to compile gcc which is a fairly good indication that my hardware is ok but you never know. I will try memtest86 and see how it goes.

They are the same. The first one is PASM syntax, the second is PIR
E.g. running your "imc trouble" code
$ parrot -o- hj.imc
        new P16, 31      # .PerlArray
        new P17, 36      # .PerlString
        set P16, 10
        set P16[0], "Zero"

yields the generated PASM code (with variables names allocated to Parrot

I tried that as well, it spits out identical PASM each time but on the odd occasion I need to use CTRL-C to get back to the shell.


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